Home Sutra: Vastu And North-East Direction

Home Sutra: Vastu And North-East Direction

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The north-east corner, also called as the Ishanya corner, is a considered a pious direction according to Vastu ─ it is the direction wherein Lord Shiva resides. This is the reason why our ancient texts have given the utmost importance to this direction in context of house building.

Here are some Vastu tips for using the potential of this corner:

  • Place the prayer room and meditation centre in the north-east corner.
  • Make sure that effort is made to keep this direction clean at all times.
  • Avoid keeping heavy objects, sanitary items or broomsticks in this direction.
  • Position underground water tanks in this.
  • Avoid positioning kitchen and toilets in this direction.
  • Never keep the dustbin or debris in the north-east direction.

Also Read: North-West Direction & Vastu

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@@Tue Feb 15 2022 16:49:29