Period Property Restoration: 5 Tips You Should Follow

Period Property Restoration: 5 Tips You Should Follow

Period Property Restoration: 5 Tips You Should Follow

Invested in an old property or just acquired an ancestral property and now planning to restore it? Restoration allows you to bring the old property back to life without taking away its actual glory. It is a thin rope you are walking on where a little bump could bring down the complete plan while on the other hand, the right moves could turn the property into your dream home.

MakaaniQ lists five tips that will help you plan the restoration programme for a period home:

Look for basics

Remember this property that you have bought is nowhere like your city home. There is nothing modern about this property and that includes the fixtures, too. Water pipes, electricity connections among others are obsolete, some even decades old. Find out these basics and begin to work on them first. Fix the basics. Also, do look for the damage caused to the property over the years, especially due to water. Find areas where there is water leakage or seepage, that is your first target.

Are you ready to live here?

Period property looks classy and unique, but are you ready to live in it? With old-school windows and no daily amenities that we need nowadays, a historic property will need a makeover to fit your preferences. Figure out what changes are of utmost importance. Or are you ready to live in the property without all the modern-day amenities? What do you fancy?

Budget yourself

While you were ready to take the overhead costs that would come with the property, there is a limit that you need to set. You cannot spend a large sum on just restoring the property and end up taking away the charm of it. There will be a lot of changes that you will want to do to the property but don't go all out. Rather plan these changes and spread them over a time frame.

One move at a time

With many changes that you want to bring to the property to make it functional, there is only so much you can do in one go. Hence, plan your moves. Take up changes one at a time. This way you could budget yourself and also, ensure that the job is done well.

Don't go overboard

With the changes you plan to make, do not go overboard to turn the property into a modern-day home. This way you will bring down the period value of the property making it look like any other home. In case you want to add some décor quirk, do it in small amounts and add things that go with the old-school look of the property.

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Last Updated: Tue May 21 2019

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