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What Makes Delhi A Future-Ready City?

May 20, 2016   |   Probalika Boruah

National capital Delhi is the only Indian city that features on the list of Top 50 future-ready cities of the world. The city has earned the 44th spot, according to the recently released Future-Ready Economies Model report by information technology giant Dell. San Jose and San Francisco in California, US, along with Singapore, are the top three cities around the world in embracing technology to be future-ready.

What does future-ready mean?

According to the report, a future-ready economic model “enables people and organisations to access new tools and ideas that deliver better connectivity, better economic performance and greater ability to attract talent”. Based on its human capital, infrastructure and commerce, Delhi was able to make it to the list. The city stands way ahead of other Indian cities on these parameters.

Human capital: A future-ready economy has people equipped with the right skills to drive meaningful social and economic change. With so many talented and educated migrants flocking to the capital every day, there is no dearth of quality human capital here. This, in fact, is the key factors that make Delhi a future-ready city.

Infrastructure: Another critical attribute of a future-ready economy is its infrastructure. A well-developed infrastructure with a full-fledged technical support is a must to support a city's residents and various businesses. The efforts put in by the Delhi and central governments to make the city a better place has made this possible. There are some ambitious initiatives launched by the Centre for the creation of a digitally enabled nation. These initiatives are accelerating the growth of the city by connecting every nook and corner of the city. All these initiatives have improved the quality of life in the city.

Commerce: A future-ready economy provides sustained opportunities for businesses to accelerate innovation, growth and profitability. More and more educated people, drawn to Delhi by lucrative job opportunities and infrastructure, are contributing to the city's commercial growth.

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