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An Explainer: Vastu

November 23, 2016   |   Proptiger

The purpose of having a house is not just residential; this is the place where your life will grow. However, how do you ensure that the growth you witness in your home is positive? This is where Vastu comes into picture. A Sanskrit term, which could be translated to a dwelling unit, Vastu when combined with Shastra (a Sanskrit term for science) becomes the science of home building.

An ancient Indian science related to architecture, Vastu Shastra is a mix of science, art, astronomy and astrology. An ever-growing concept, Vastu does not lay any hard and fast rules about building and helps you construct better according to your current situation. Houses built according to Vastu, it is believed, attract positive energy into your life spaces and ward off negativities. The directions and the five elements of nature are the very basics upon which this Indian architectural system works. By constructing a Vastu-compliant house, you ensure a lifetime of health, wealth and prosperity, it is believed.

Real estate developers in India do not forget to mention in their advertising brochures that their projects are Vastu-compliant. This is considered one of the unique selling point of real estate projects. However, Vastu as the very basic of architecture is popular across the world.

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