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Indoor Plants For Healthy Homes When You Are Breathing Toxic Air

March 20, 2015   |   Proptiger

Decorating your home isn’t easy, but it is still a rewarding process. It is now easier than ever to decorate your home because much of the home decor items are now delivered at your doorstep. But, should aesthetics be the sole reason why you must spruce up your interiors?

Modern living relies much on convenience of technology and its products that, if not maintained well, can quickly turn into toxic substances. Imagine your household items such as the oven, drain cleaner, detergent powder, and paint thinners playing the devil inside your home? It’s possible.

Research from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) has proved that indoors tend to be 5 to 10 percent more polluted than outdoors, as a number of electronics contain toxic substances like formaldehyde that are harmful to the environment. If you swallow, inhale or even absorb these through your skin, you might develop severe medical conditions. Excessive intake of such substances can even cause cancer, bodily defects, or asthma.

But, before the facts on toxic junk scare you, here is the good news. In the 1980’s, NASA found that many indoor house plants filter Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) and purify the air inside and outside your house.

Plant one of these common indoor plants to breathe clean air inside your homes:

  • Mother in Laws Tongue (Snake Plant)
  • True to its name, Snake Plant has the shape of a blade with tall leaves. In appearance, it is similar to a snake’s skin. But, it does a world of good to your interiors. It is very easy to take care of the plant because it does not need much water or sunlight. The Snake Plant filters out the formaldehyde in toilet paper and cleansing products.

  • Aloe Vera
  • Aloe Vera is a succulent plant you can keep in your kitchen. Chemical based cleaners and paints often produce harmful byproducts like benzene and formaldehyde. Aloe Vera effectively removes such harmful chemicals. The flesh or gel of Aloe Vera is also very effective in healing cuts, burns, and skin infections.

  • English Ivy
  • If clean air is important to you, you must definitely consider English Ivy. It reduces the likelihood of you developing asthma or allergies. It removes airborne fecal matters and mold. English Ivy is typically kept in a pot, and is very helpful if anyone in your house smokes because it clears the benzene produced from the cigarette smoke.

  • Areca Palm
  • NASA found Areca Palm to be the most effective air purifier. It is also known as the Butterfly Palm because its leaves are curled up. It needs very little water or sunlight. It removes xylene and toluene from the air. When it grows, it turns into a terrific humidifier.


  • Boston Fern

    Boston Fern effectively removes formaldehyde from the air. It also removes heavy, poisonous metals in the soil, like mercury and arsenic. The Boston Fern is beautiful when it hangs in a basket. But, it needs sunlight, and the leaves need to be misted regularly. As it is a natural humidifier and restores the moisture inside your home, people with dry skin will find it very useful.

    Plants have always helped us live healthy, longer lives. We suggest that you plant a few today.

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