#RealtyNewsRoundUp: Haryana Approves Affordable Housing Policy

May 31 2018   |   Proptiger

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The Haryana Cabinet on May 30 approved a comprehensive affordable housing policy for core areas of municipalities. Under the new policy, housing projects would be allowed in an area not less than one acre and not more than five acre. The floor area ratio for such projects would range between 250 and 275.


With an aim to keep the newly opened Eastern Peripheral Highway and the Delhi Meerut Expressway off illegal mushrooming of structures, the National Capital Region Planning Board has asked the Ghaziabad Development Authority to acquire 500 metre on both sides of the two expressways. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on May 26 opened for the public the two projects.


Telangana Municipal Administration Minister K T Rama Rao has said the state government would complete the construction of one lakh double-bedroom houses for the poor in Hyderabad. According to a state government release, construction of approximately 40,000 houses would be completed by next December, if the present pace of work continued.


The Shivaji Nagar police in Mumbai have registered a case against six persons for cheating close to 110 people to the tune of ₹5.72 crore. Pretending to be officials of the Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority (MHADA) , these conmen lured innocent people by offering flats at low prices.

Source: Media reports

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