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Studio Apartments : A Rising Trend among Urban Singles

December 18 2014   |   Rupanshi Thapa

Studio Apartment is a house having one main room that serves as living, dining and bedroom. It is rising as an ideal choice for urban singles who want to enjoy their personal space, away from family or roommates. It also makes the most preferred kind of residence for artists as they need peace and solitude to unleash their creativity. There is a different charm to such small and cozy spaces that attracts even those who can afford bigger apartments. Accommodating pretty much everything within the four walls, a studio apartment is artistic and mirrors your individuality.

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Pros of Living in a Studio Apartment:

With inflation always on a high, cutting down on your avoidable expenses may be a good idea. So, if you are already living in a studio, read these pros with pride. And if you are thinking of buying one, take these as a proof that it is a good decision.

Less costly- Studios cost less as compared to all other types of apartments, both for buying and renting. So, if you are alone in the city, squeezing up a little can help you save a few more bucks.

Needs low maintenance- Since a studio is physically smaller, cleaning will be less hectic for you. The pain of sweeping, vacuuming and dusting is greatly reduced in a smaller space.

Makes you realize what you really love- All of us like a lot of things. But a bigger space can get us to buy things we don't really want. However, a studio does not let you accumulate things. You have to bring in the things you really love, and then there's no room for useless stuff! This helps you live in a compact space surrounded by exactly what you need.

All you need is right there- In a studio, you do not have to walk around the entire house to find something. Everything is right where you are. So you can laze around all your want to.

Perfect place for Multitaskers- Cooking, cleaning and watching your favorite game can be done at the same time. Multi-tasking is a child's play in a studio.

How can you make your Studio Apartment better?

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A studio is often mocked as a cluttered and drab house. But the truth is that a house is a reflection of the person living in it. So it is totally up to you whether you want to make your urban studio apartment look amazing, or claustrophobic. Here are some tips for you to make your studio apartment better:

Make several storage options- When there is only one room, storage can be challenging. So, you need to create several storage options. For example, putting hooks behind doors or on walls for hanging coats or towels. Door-mounted racks with several pockets can hold many useful things.

Place artificial separators- You can create sections in a single room by placing artificial separators. Put it on one or both sides of the bed and you've got a separate bedroom!

Buy furniture that matches your favorite comforts- If your favorite pastime is to watch movies or TV, you should go for comfortable couches rather than chairs. You should not compromise with your comforts.

Keep the place clean- Since there is only one room, things pile up a lot faster and make the place look cluttered. So although a studio needs frequent cleaning, thanks to the small space, it is always very quick.

Following a few simple steps can make your life at a studio apartment even more fun. So let's celebrate the studio life!

Do you have some more life hacks for dealing with living in a studio? Do tell us by commenting below.

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