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18 Cleaning Mistakes That Can Damage Your Home, Health

October 20, 2023   |   Sunita Mishra

Cleanliness is next to godliness, and it is why we like to keep everything in our homes squeaky clean. Since this is a daily job and often boring, we tend to make several mistakes while carrying out the daily cleaning drive. In this article, we would discuss some of the most common cleaning mistakes and how they could damage your property if you continue to make them.

* This is probably the most common of them all. We forget to maintain the cleanliness of the agents we use to do the cleaning with. These include the vacuum cleaner, the kitchen cleaning sponge, the many brushes that are used in toilet cleaning, the mops, etc. These are often the most unclean items lying in a household. 


* Another humongous mistake is not regularly cleaning the items that we store the waste in i.e. the dustbins. In most cases, no attention is paid in cleaning the dustbins unless a stark stench starts overpowering the residents.


* You like your utensils to be squeaky clean. While doing so, waste that see as a waste is deposited in the dustbin. Everything else that is too small to be separated and thrown goes down the drain, including all that grease. This would discolour the kitchen sink and choke the pipes in the long run.


* We Indians are often not satisfied with dry cleaning of our homes. Till the entire house is wet mopped, we are not sure of the cleaning.  However, excessive wet mopping could be bad for the wooden furniture lying in your home.


* TV commercials tell you how easy it is to clean your kitchen sink or toilet seat or wash basin if you used their product. Well, these chemical-laced solutions could also damage the basic material simultaneously. This is precisely why their regular exposure leaves these items dis-coloured. Additionally, the cleaning agents are harmful for your skin and eyes.


* Another common mistake is to use liquid cleaning agents to clean electronic products. Don’t be surprised if the item which has been subjected to such cleaning stops functioning by and by.


* Not many of us are careful enough to make sure the kitchen cleaning is not mixed up with the floor mop. No exchanging of the two mops should be allowed at any rate. You don’t want the dirt on the floor to find its place in an area where you cook your meals.


* Doors mats are kept at the entrance to make sure dirt does not find its way inside our homes. However, these items are not regularly cleaned and turn into the dirt carriers.


* Those fancy feather dusters do only one thing—they just spread the dust around, failing the entire purpose of their being. They are best kept at bay.


* One cleans the utensils but invariably forgets to clean the sink. A bad idea since this is where small food particles and grease accumulate.


* Who is not fascinated by a head full of beautiful hair? Well, they should not be allowed to enter your drains at any cost. They often lead to choking. The same is true of toilet and tissue papers.


* If toilets are flushed with the lid open, they would spray dirty water six feet over them. This is something you would like to avoid, right?


* Since we are here, pray don’t leave the wet toilet cleaning brush in its holder as soon as you are done doing the job. Do clean it and wait for it to get dry before you deposit it there.


* Bacteria will find it pretty convenient to grow if your toothbrush is placed in a dark place, safe in some part of your bathroom. You may like to change its position. Doctors are also of the opinion that you should avoid keeping the toothbrush in the bathroom altogether.


* You need to replace your cleaning agents regularly. As they age, they become too dirty to use, acting as the perfect breeding ground for bacteria growth.


* The screens of your phones, laptops and computers and your TV remote see too much of your action all day. This begs your attention to clean them regularly, too, and not treat them as something solemn.


* Windows and doors block outside dirt from entering our homes. However, they are hardly ever cleaned. You might like to get to the job immediately. While you are at it, pray do not use the one-for-all cleaning spray. There are specific polishes to clean stuff made of wood.


* Some of us are obsessed with carpets. However, we pay little attention to the dirt that they soak every single day. By the month end, they are as dirty as dirt itself. These need regular cleaning like all the other stuff.


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